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Print Mail Invoice As PDF

When you have an invoice to send out, you might want to save a copy for future reference. There are several different ways to do this, and some of them are discussed in this article. One of the easiest ways to print mail invoice as PDF is to attach it to an email. After sending the invoice, the recipient will receive it as a PDF attachment, and they will be able to view it without having to open it.

To print mail invoices as PDF, go to Setup > Customers. Then select the desired email address for the recipient. Click the corresponding Email icon. Select the email address and click OK. Once you have entered the email address, you can choose the email form options for the recipient. If the email address is not available, click the arrow next to it to uncheck it. Select the corresponding email form options to continue.

If you have a serious growth potential, then you should look into maillform as a viable option for your business. This service will ensure that the documents arrive at the right place at the right time, accelerate your revenue cycle, and provide your company with complete financial accountability. These benefits make it an excellent choice for a small business. These advantages are outlined below:




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